
The type 2 diabetes better understood (updated)

In Europe, the prevalence of diabetes is highly variable. It is stronger in the old industrial countries. The annual incidence of new cases is 4 per 100 000 population in Portugal and 40 per 100 000 in Finland.

The tragic case of American Indians illustrates the devastating effects of a poorly negotiated changes. 
These people had a very strong predisposition to diabetes, but their former lifestyle of nomadic hunters in the largely preserved. Now settled, they show a prevalence of the disease, types 1 and 2 combined, approaching 50%, meaning that one in two suffers. Important cause of premature death, diabetes is also the source of eye disease, kidney dysfunctions, neuropathy and amputation. 

It is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular diseases, which are responsible for the deaths of more than half of diabetics in Europe.
The disease is all too familiar.

from Pathophysiology zunivnet
It is the result of hyperglycemia  chronic, affects mainly adults of advanced age and especially for those
obese or overweight.

 In short, diabetes type 2 threatens us all. According to experts, more than 350,000 people suffering in the world! If we know that results from the combination of factors genetic and environmental, of overweight and in particular the accumulation of fat in the organs of the abdomen, leading to resistance to insulin.
Many things remained mysterious.
"The islets of Langerhans, occupy a position central in the development of Type 2 diabetes and the loss of function beta cells that produce insulin, results in an irreversible deterioration of glucose tolerance, leading to diabetes. "
Various studies worldwide have identified several genes increase in the risk of diabetes.
But, they only partially explain the disease, given the important role played also by environmental factors
in the development of diabetes.
On the merits of research, "that we seek to understand is the mechanism that leads to mass destruction (apoptosis) in pancreatic beta cells. This phenomenon, which is accompanied by a deficient cellular regeneration, is a key element of type 1 diabetes and could also contribute to type 2 diabetes. This is a complex biological process that can be studied only through the analysis of the system as a whole, by using the resources of functional genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics, "says coordinator SaveBeta .,"
Titillated by these unanswered questions, researchers have explored for the first times the size of the epigenetic illness. Doing so, they came to identify defects major epigenetic in cells beta islet of patients with type 2 diabetes.

 Better yet, using technologies Innovative and unique, they realized an epigenetic mapping complete the disease, identifying alteration of 256 genes! "This signing epigenetic disease sets light of hitherto unsuspected mechanisms involving dysfunction beta cells during the onset of the disease. "
A new chapter opens for doctors and patients.
 More is detected early a Type 2 diabetes and is more involved early to restore normal blood sugar, greater the risk of complications is reduced.
"With the identification of a signature epigenetic , we see new screening measures of the disease,
to further suppress against this pandemic, "conclude researchers

But the development of diabetes may already be seriously controlled by the measures, whether dietary, because type 2 diabetes, more difficult to detect about 85% of patients,is most probably related to chronic exposure to high of glucose and fatty acids, major obesity agents.

Certainly, all obese diabetics are not - this requires a predisposition - but many diabetics are obese. Therefore, for Dr. Miriam Cnop, member of the laboratory of Experimental Medicine, ULB, "most of type 2 diabetes could be prevented through diet - less meat,salt, fats, sweets and more fish, milk, vegetables, fruit - and exercise.

  That's better than drugs !!! 

Sources :

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)  http://www.ulb.ac.be/  

Nature Reviews Endocrinology: 


Univ ersity of San Diego ; http://www.sandiego.edu/cas/biology/

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